Kristin Kuster



Duration: c: 9:30

Instrumentation: Alto Sax and Piano

Performance Materials: Piano Score and Part
Delivery Method: PDF Download

Jellyfish, Kristin Kuster (2004)
for alto saxophone and piano

Jellyfish was commissioned by saxophonist Timothy McAllister and pianist Lucia Unrau. The piece is in three sections, each inspired by a different mode of jellyfish-ness: 1. “Medusa,” after the full-formed stage of a jellyfish’s life; 2. “Blob,” after an enormous, black, slow-moving deep-sea jellyfish; and 3. “Thimbles,” after the tiny jellyfishes that swim in schools of thousands like swarming bees.

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Performance Materials: Piano Score and Part
Delivery Method: PDF Download

About the Work

Duration: c: 9:30

Instrumentation: Alto Sax and Piano

Commissioned by: Timothy McAllister and Lucia Unrau