Joel Thompson

My Dungeon Shook


Duration: 11'

Instrumentation: Solo piano

Instrumentation: Three American Preludes for solo piano
Delivery Method: Physical Delivery
Performance Materials: Full Score

Three American Preludes for solo piano

The title of this collection is from an essay by James Baldwin and a traditional spiritual famously quoted by Martin Luther King Jr. in his "I Have a Dream" speech. Collectively, the composition reflects Thompson's struggle to reconcile his belief in the promise of America and American society while examining systemic failures through the lens of a Black composer.

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Instrumentation: Three American Preludes for solo piano
Delivery Method: Physical Delivery
Performance Materials: Full Score

About the Work

Duration: 11'

Instrumentation: Solo piano

Commissioned by: Commissioned by Benjamin Hopkins with funding from the University of British Columbia Public Scholars’ Initiative

Pages: 16